5 Useful Apps to Help You Become a Naturalist
Technology on the Rise Modern technological advancements have given us an edge in many facets of life. It’s easier now than ever for the average person to learn new skills and spread their creativity. AI technology is on the rise and used for a variety of tasks. There are many free resources you can use

Traversing Tidepools: Gateway to Intertidal Species
What are Tidepools? When we take toward the retreating tides, marine mysteries are revealed. We can explore a landscape typically covered by the ocean… and the species that wonder amongst the rocky crevices. If you are fortunate enough to live near the coast, you have a unique opportunity to explore habitats that are said to

Backyard Birding and the Basics: Gateway to Avian Species
Winged Wonders Birds – they’re all around us, yet how much do we know about them? For the longest time, I never knew how to differentiate species of birds. Even after I got into photography and took photos of them, I didn’t really think much about identifying them. I used to refer to birds by